How to generate a meta tag for a blogger website

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Before generating a meta tag for blogger website you should have a little knowledge that what is the meta tag and how does meta tag works.

What is a meta tag?

A meta tag can be understanded as the backbone of your website a meta tag is consist of the website description and the main keywords of the website you have to create a meta tag for your website if you want to rank your website on the google search engine.The meta tag is an important part of the website in this article you will come to know how to create a meta tag for a website and how to create a meta tag for blogger/blog.

What is in the META TAG ?

The meta tag is consist of the two main elements that  is

  1. Website Description

  2. Website keywords

Website Description

Website description is the description of your blog it helps the search engine or robots to understand what type of articles you write on your website.

Website keywords

Website keyword are the keywords on which your website will rank on the search engine for example if your website is about Blogging then you have to give the keywords like blogging,how to start a blog , earn from blogging etc.

How to generate a Meta tag ?

there are many websites on the internet where you can generate a meta tag for a blogger website but in this article i will suggest very fast and easy ways to generate a meta tag so keep reading this article till the end.

First Method

The first way to generate a meta tag for a blogger website is there is a website link below you have to just go on that and there you can generate a meta tag for your blogger website very easy way.

Click here        Meta tag Generator

Second Method



How to generate a meta tag for a blogger website

In this method i have given a Meta tag coding to you and now you have to place you information into this and just submit this html code into your blogger website HTML code.

<META CONTENT='Paste Your Description here'/>


<META CONTENT='Paste Your Website Keyword' NAME='Keywords'/>


<META CONTENT='All' NAME='Robots'/>

   <meta content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, maximum-scale=1' name='viewport'/>


   <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>


Just enter your details into the html code respectively and paste this into your blogger website.

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