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HPSSC Assistant Manager(Electrical) post code - 1014 exam Education Qualification and Syllabus


 HPSSC Assistant Manager(Electrical) post code - 1014 exam Education Qualification and Syllabus

HPSSC  Assistan Manager (Electrical)  post code - 1014 exam Education Qualification and Syllabus || HPSSB  Assistan Manager (Electrical)  post code - 1014 exam Education Qualification and Syllabus

Minimum essential Qualifications as per R&P Rules

 Assistan Manager (Electrical) :  

Education Qualification

regular full time three years Deploma or Degree in Electrical Engineering or Electrical and Electronics Engineering from an Institution/University duly recognized by the Central or state Government.

Note: A candidate shall be eligible for appointment of this post , if , he /she has passed Matriculation  from any school/Institution situated within Himachal Pradesh.
Provided this condition shall not apply to Bonafide Himachalis.

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