most important Computer general knowledge question answers in English

Last updated : 16/01/2023

related to Hpsssb JOA IT exams 

namskaar dosto aajki is post me hum log hpsssb joa it or other departments me joa it exams me puche jane wale most important computer gk questions answers in english jo baar baar puchh jate hai….

most important Computer gk question answers in English

1.The internal speed 2mbps is refer to 2mega bits per second

2.who invented the “C” language ?

Dennis Ritchie

3.In relational database model , a Tuple refers to __


4.The term SCSI and IDE are related to which of the following __


5.In SQL which command is used to remove a table from table __


6. which command is used to add new rows in table 


7.The cloxk speed of a processor is measured in 


8.which converts an assembly language program to the machine language ___


9.Root directory of a Linux Oprating system is designed by   the symbol __


10.Computer program which can copy it self has damaging effect like corrupting the system or destroying data is ___


11.who was the founder of Linux Kernel ?


12.Landscape is commonly known as __

Page Orientation

13.Short cut key for Open Find and replace Dialog Box with Activating Replace Tab ___


14.smallest and the largest font size in ms- Office Package ?

8 - 72

15.valid file extension for an Ms-word file is


joa most important computer gk questions and answers
Hpsssb joa it exam 2022

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