Important question answer series for HPSSC JOA IT (post code

Last updated : 16/01/2023

Computer gk question with answers in English part-2

In this post you will get the most important question answers for hpssc JOA IT exams or many other joa , banking etc competitive exams

namskaar dosto aajki is post me hum log hpsssb joa it or other departments me joa it exams me puche jane wale most important computer gk questions answers in english jo baar baar puchh jate hai….

most important Computer gk question answers in English part-2

16. Valid file extension for MS Access file.

.mdb is data arranged in a Excel Worksheet.

 Rows and columns

18.B7:B9 in Ms Excel means.

All cells from B7 to B9

19.what is an first cell in an MS Excel worksheet is labelled as .


 20.Function is used to display crunt date and time in ms excel.


21. in ms axcel a workbook is a collection of..


22. An ms powerpoint presentation is a collection of …


23. An ms power point slide show can be stopped by pressing which key?


24. To get a content at the same position on every slide automaticaly , it should be inserted on

Slide master 

25. Slide which is used to introduce a topic and set the tone for the presentation is 

Title Slide 

26. which power point feature allows to quickly create a simple presentation.

Auto Content Wizard

27. spell checker in ms powerpoint can be activated using the following key


28. The indian IT Act is known as 


29. The illusions or tricks used in movies are known as special effects and is often abbreviated as 


30. A hard disk is divided into tracks which are further subdivided into-


joa it exam related most important computer gk questions and answers

Hpsssb joa it exam 2022

most important question answers for joa it exam hpsssb

information covered in this post :

Important question answer series for Hpssc joa it (post code


>> most important questions for joa it exam 

>> mostly asked questions in joa it exam hpsssb 

>> most important Computer gk questions

>>important Computer gk question asked in various joa it exams

>> important questions related to powerpoint-ms axcel-ms word-printer-computer-joait-slides-presantation-workbook-worksheets

>> ms access

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